What to Do on a Date
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- Publication date
- 1950
- Usage
- Public Domain
- Topics
- Social guidance, Dating, Teenagers
- Item Size
- 749.0M
07:28:24:00 - 07:29:01:00
MLS 2 teenage boys walking along, tossing ball back and forth (trees in BG); pan across to CU girl waving o.s.; boy drops ball as he waves back; girl walks toward house; VS boy watching her as she walks; boy throws ball o.s.
07:29:02:00 - 07:31:39:00
MS 2 teenage boys enter house; one lays notebook beside phone on table then goes up stairs; other boy, waiting, opens notebook on table; CU paper with telephone number for Kay; high angle MS guy calls up stairs; other boy walks down stairs with tennis racket in hand; VS they converse; boy walks over to table, closing his notebook; boy hands tennis racket to friend and picks up telephone; VS boy talking and girl talking on other end of line; boy hangs up phone, looking content, and he and his friend leave house
07:31:40:00 - 07:33:57:00
MS sign in the shape of an elephant reading "Scavenger Sale"; MS girl walking around, passing out signs to volunteers at sale, talking and playing around as she goes; VS girl and boy talking as they clean and organize their area; MCU girl tries to hangs sign reading "knick-knacks" but is too short to reach; boy takes sign and hangs it for her; low angle MCU another boy, hanging light, looks over his shoulder, mischievously; girl walks off with another girl; low angle boy talks to friend on ladder and walks over to tool box sitting on chair; boy stops to read activity posting on wall; CU boy pointing to "Bike Trip To Rock Point"
07:33:58:00 - 07:34:07:00
2 boys and 2 girls on bridge riding bicycles toward the camera
07:34:08:00 - 07:34:15:00
MCU boy standing by activity posting; boy looks at list pointing to "Weenie Roast"
07:34:16:00 - 07:34:30:00
MS 2 boys and 2 girls sitting around campfire, roasting hotdogs (woods setting in BG)
07:34:30:00 - 07:34:43:00
MS 2 boys and 2 girls walk up bleachers; they sit down, surrounded by other spectators; high angle MS baseball players on diamond, playing ball
07:34:43:00 - 07:34:48:00
MLS swimmers doing laps; spectators around pool cheering them on
07:34:48:00 - 07:34:53:00
MCU men and women square dancing (sign reading "Baggage Checked" in BG)
07:34:53:00 - 07:34:58:00
MS 2 boys and 2 girls at picnic table, preparing to eat
07:34:58:00 - 07:35:19:00
MCU boy standing beside activity posting, daydreaming
07:34:10:00 - 07:35:21:00
MS 2 teenage boys, nicely dressed, buying tickets at theater entrance; they walk over to 2 girls and all walk inside
07:35:21:00 - 07:35:59:00
MCU boy reading activity posting on wall; VS boy talking to friend
07:36:00:00 - 07:38:41:00
MCU 2 girls talking as they prepare snacks; boy enters frame and steals a potato chip; girl fusses at him and sends him o.s. with a tray of Cokes; they all walk over to another table and call everyone over to eat; boy and girl walk away together and he arranges place for them to sit; VS they sit together eating and happily conversing; they talk about what they like to do on dates, mentioning such things as weenie roasts, taffy pull, skating parties, miniature golf and bike trips; they both look o.s.; boy gets up and gets them ice cream; MS room of teenage kids sitting around eating and talking.
Ken Smith notes: One of the most entertaining films in the social guidance genre, principally because of the bad acting of goony "Nick Baxter." Nick wants to go out on a date with Kay, but he's afraid she'll say no. He finally works up the courage to ask her to the movies (to see Wagon Train), but since she's already seen it, they decide to go to the high school scavenger sale instead. And, boy, do they ever have fun! Nick discovers that Kay likes the same things he does (miniature golf, taffy pulls and weenie roasts) and these two social oddballs are well on their way to a meaningful relationship. This Kay is not the same Kay who later starred in More Dates For Kay, for which Nick should be thankful.
- Addeddate
- 2002-07-16 00:00:00
- Ccnum
- asr
- Closed captioning
- no
- Collectionid
- 01447
- Color
- B&W
- Country
- United States
- External-identifier
- Identifier
- WhattoDo1950
- Numeric_id
- 1192
- Proddate
- 1950
- Run time
- 10:45
- Sound
- Sd
- Type
- MovingImage
- Whisper_asr_module_version
- 20230805.01
Subject: What To Do On A Date?
I can't think of a better way to pep up a dull date. Works every time.
Subject: Even Back in 1951...
And I would just like to say, besides the weenie roasts, who goes to a "swim meet" for a date? Half-naked and boring.
Plus a "record circle." Before Elvis, can only imagine.
Subject: the best
Subject: Who Are You, Nick Baxter?
The actor's never identified on screen, but we suspect after leaving the world of Coronet Instructional Films he went on to another career. He played Nick in several films, every line delivered with the same deliberate cadence (when he's annoyed, he just delivers them louder).
This is a quintessential Coronet film, with musings about weenie roasts and taffy pulls, where things are "swell."
Narrator George Stone comes in over top of a shot of two young men. "This is a story about a date," he says. Since it's 1951, it's not about two boys dating. Nick has his eye on Kay. He even has her phone number in big print written in a school book. Buddy Jeff, who starred as Jeff in Coronet's "Learn to Argue Effectively" (1951), pushes him to call Kay. He does, and the date is set.
Nick fantasizes about double-dating in location footage as Stone's voiceover metes out some suggestions (in one scene, Jeff juggles some balls). It's a more low-key approach than in some Coronet films, and the film kind of lags here.
"I thought all girls wanted fellas to take them to fancy places, spend lots of money," Nick tells Kay. We'll leave that line alone.
The film wipes at 6:44 to footage from Coronet's "Social Courtesy" (1951).
Subject: We need this instruction, right NOW!
The amount of loneliness and suffering can be fixed with the very simple guidelines this film brings: shared interests and activities! Yes, once upon a time Joel & The Bots heckled this film, and we all laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Well, it's time to take Joel & The Bots back out and re-learn all of this stuff. The reason it was funny is because we were smarter. We ain't that smart anymore! Watch this film and get to know someone. Hey, watch this film and get to know who the heck YOU are! Cheers and thank you!
Subject: Are You Kidding....
Subject: Weenie Roasts Are Swell!
Now most of us can find this little film about wholesome group activities hilarious. We can laugh at Nick's inept attempts at getting a girl he likes to go out with him. We can poke fun at the dating activities they embark on. We can marvel at how times have truly changed. We can believe that Nick and Kaye and all his friends are real dorks. However, we might do well to consider that at least Nick and Kaye are actively involved in doing something with each other and their friends instead of nerds who lamely sit home, watching this on their pc and laughing. Come on gang! Let's get out there and roast those weenies!
Subject: A little old-even for 1951
It certainly was a different world then!
Subject: "Taffy Pulls? Swell!"
Subject: Dates - then and now
Subject: A date in Stepford
Subject: Let the robots tell you what to think!
Subject: What to Do on a Date
Ratings: Camp/Humor Value: *****. Weirdness: ****. Historical Interest: *****. Overall Rating: ****. Also available on Mystery Science Theater 3000, Episode #503: Swamp Diamonds.
Subject: Or what NOT to do!
Subject: Life was sure easy back then!
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